The history of superfoods and vitamins.

In the 1800’s many scientists started to figure out that maybe there were some vital nutrients missing from our diet that caused death and disease. The scientists had the idea that it wasn’t just germs that caused the problems.

After 12 weeks at sea eating dry food sailors developed weakness, pains in the joints, loose teeth and red spots then finally sudden death from bursting arteries. Amazingly, the condition got better as soon as vegetables and fruit were added to their diet. A hundred years later, the exact substance that made a life changing difference was found to be vitamin C.

In 1803 a British doctor working in Sri Lanka found that some people were having difficulty walking and lost sensation in their hands and feet and became confused. He tried giving acid fruits but it did not work and he supposed there was some other chemical combination that needed to be found.

Over 100 years later Casimir Funk moved to London in 1910 and continued the work of hundreds of scientists and doctors who struggled to find the exact organic nutrients that would prevent these diseases. Funk called them vital amines and coined the word vitamine


Later Gowland Hopkins in Cambridge, England found a tiny amount of milk was enough to help people overcome disease and later Elmer McCollum in the USA discovered that the vital nutrient was a substance he called vitamin A and he found out that another substance in rice polishings helped and called it vitamin B. This is how the naming system started and millions of hours of research have been done by thousands of doctors from all over the world that led to these breakthroughs and this was definitely just the start of the story as there are significant breakthroughs happening today to solve the lack of vital nutrients which causes so many problems for millions of people. Now our stressful lives mean we have to consume even more vital nutrients than before.

Lundys is a family owned company that is utilising the millions of hours of research by the world’s greatest scientists to create more effective vitamins and superfoods for you.

Lundys is driven by the original purpose of the scientists who discovered vitamins who knew if they could find the exact missing nutrient then people could live much better lives.